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Guide to Mingjiao skills in Tianlong Eight Mobile using heroes

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Tianlong Eight Mobile is a popular mobile game that features various factions, including Mingjiao. Mingjiao is an evil faction that utilizes dark and sinister skills to defeat their enemies. In this article, we will be discussing the different skills that the Mingjiao heroes possess and how they can be used to dominate on the battlefield.

Li Mochou

Guide to Mingjiao skills in Tianlong Eight Mobile using heroes

Li Mochou is a deadly assassin who excels in single-target attacks. Her signature skill is the "Soul Blade," which allows her to deal massive damage to a single enemy. She can also manipulate her opponents' movements with "Dagger Storm," which deals moderate damage and has a chance to stun. "Soul Assault" is another strong skill that deals moderate damage to all enemies and increases Li Mochou's critical hit rate. When paired with a tank hero, Li Mochou can quickly eliminate high-priority targets with ease.

Quanzhen Sect's Wang Chongyang

Wang Chongyang is a master of both offense and defense. His "Golden Bell Shield" skill allows him to negate all damage for a short period, making him an incredibly durable tank hero. "Sword Qi Heal" is a great healing skill that also deals damage to enemies, making Wang Chongyang a versatile addition to any team. His signature skill, "Tai Chi Sword," is a powerful AOE attack that deals massive damage and has a chance to stun all enemies. This skill, combined with his durability, makes Wang Chongyang an excellent hero to have in both PVP and PVE battles.

Guide to Mingjiao skills in Tianlong Eight Mobile using heroes


Jueyuan is a master of crowd control and can easily manipulate the battlefield to his team's advantage. His "Eight Trigrams Palm" skill deals moderate damage and has a chance to stun the target. "Drunken Fist" is a unique skill that buffs Jueyuan's attack power and accuracy while decreasing his defense. "Spiritual Sword" is another strong skill that deals massive damage to a single enemy and decreases their critical hit rate. When used correctly, Jueyuan's skills can completely disrupt the enemy team's strategy and give his team a clear advantage.


Xuzhu is a support hero who can heal his allies and debuff the enemy team. His "Nine Palaces Incantation" skill is a powerful heal that can quickly restore his allies' health. He can also decrease the enemy team's attack power and accuracy with "Nine Yin White Bone Claw." Xuzhu's signature skill, "Unique Metal Method," deals moderate damage to all enemies and has a chance to stun. When used in conjunction with his other skills, Xuzhu can turn the tide of the battle in his team's favor.


The Mingjiao faction is a powerful faction that can dominate on the battlefield with their dark and sinister skills. Li Mochou's single-target damage, Wang Chongyang's durability, Jueyuan's crowd control, and Xuzhu's support skills all bring something unique to the Mingjiao team. When used correctly, these heroes can be a formidable force in both PVP and PVE battles. As you experiment with these heroes and their skills, you'll discover which combinations work best for you and your team.

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